Climate change threatens the way of life for everyone in Samoa.
Made up of nine volcanic islands – four of which are inhabited – Samoa is fighting back against the impacts of climate disasters and poverty. Cyclones, floods and dangerously rising sea levels affect families and communities on a regular basis.
CARE began working with local partners in Samoa in 2020, in response to COVID-19, partnering with Samoan Red Cross Society, Women in Business Development Inc. (WIBDI) and Nuanua O Le Alofa (NOLA) – the national organisation for people with disabilities – to distribute hygiene kits and education materials, and install hand-washing stations to help stop the spread of the virus.
We have gone on to continue supporting programs which promote economic justice for women, resilience to the impacts of climate change, and gender-aware responses to disasters.
From diversifying food production and income, to managing water and natural resources more effectively, to caring for livestock in a climate-resilient way, women are equipping themselves with the essential tools and knowledge to lift their families and their communities out of poverty.
Fast Facts
Population: 206,179 (2022 est.)
Life expectancy: 75.19 years (72.28 years male, 78.25 years female) (2022 est.)
Infant mortality: 18 deaths/1,000 live births (2022 est.)
Under-5 mortality*: 17 deaths/1,000 live births (2020 est.)
Maternal mortality: 43 deaths/100,000 live births (2017 est.)
Access to improved drinking water: 98.4% (100% urban, 98% rural)
Access to improved sanitation: 99.5% (99.5% urban, 99.5% rural)
Percentage of seats held by women in national parliament^: 8% (2021 est.)
GDP per capita: $6,300 (2020 est.)
Source: CIA World Factbook, *UNICEF, ^World Bank
Investing in Women
Silaumua grows, collects, husks and processes coconuts to make virgin coconut oil that provides an income to support her family.
Not long before this, Silaumua and her husband Iakopo lived off one income for years and struggled to provide for their family. Things began to change after she and her friends joined WIBDI’s program which taught them how to produce coconut oil and connected them with a global market for their produce.
“When we first started it was rather difficult. We produced about one barrel in a whole day. But eventually as we got the hang of it and learnt new methods, we can now produce three barrels of coconut oil a day. We are happy with the progress.”
WIBDI supports women to build, grow and maintain their own businesses. From a coconut farm to vegetable garden, the equal access Silaumua now has to resources and the freedom to use them has been life-changing.
CARE is proud to support women like Silaumua through our partner organisations in Samoa.

The most valuable lesson to me is learning how to be self-reliant, rather than depending on others for money to feed my children.
Silaumua, Samoa

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For those living in extreme poverty, your support brings education and training, healthcare and clean water, nutritious food, and new ways to earn an income. And in times of crisis, you help us deliver emergency relief. Please donate today.