We know that poverty is caused by unjust systems – by inequality, exploitation and conflict. We seek to tackle these root causes and scale-up the impact of our work through advocacy which seeks structural and policy change.
We act as facilitators, elevating the voices and communicating the needs of the most marginalised communities to policy makers, as we support local people to take the lead. Across CARE there is a clear call for change and desire to reflect and unlearn old ways of working. We seek to redefine the way aid is delivered and who it is delivered by.
Utilising our 70-year experience as a locally-led and globally connected aid organisation, we trigger critical conversations with people in positions of power, including local authorities, national governments, regional or global institutions or private sector companies to support women and defeat poverty.
CARE’s advocacy works at every level
We are harnessing a community scorecard in Timor-Leste to assess quality and access to basic sexual and reproductive health services and highlighting this with central authorities.
We are supporting the development of Strategic Development Plans through participatory processes in Vanuatu which enable women’s leadership. Through community mobilisation and gender equitable participation at the provincial-level, we can create structures that better support the most vulnerable.
We work with donor and partner governments across the Asia and Pacific regions to improve gender responsiveness of humanitarian response. We work with the Australian Government to deliver effective humanitarian and development programming and seek to influence their guiding strategy and policy.
At a global level we seek to strengthen women’s leadership in global humanitarian responses.

Globally, CARE’s advocacy focuses on key priorities
CARE globally will advocate for change in six Impact Areas – which are our areas of focus to drive change towards our Vision 2030. Within the Asia and Pacific regions, CARE Australia places a focus on Climate Justice, Gender Equality, Humanitarian Assistance, and Women’s Economic Justice. Over the next two years we will:
Climate Justice
- Strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacity of communities most affected by climate change, and their participation in decision-making, particularly women and girls
- Ensure Global North governments and actors are paying their fair share in climate finance and fulfilling ambitious emission reduction targets that halt the global temperature increase at 1.5°C
- Partner with, support, and cede space to civil society actors, in particular women’s rights and women-led organisations to ensure accountability
Gender Equality
- Support women and girls to participate, lead, and hold governments, donors and private sector actors to account to deliver inclusive and equitable policies and programs
- Strengthen women and girl-led action to address gender-based violence (GBV) by securing funding commitments from 3-5 major global donors across at least 10 countries
Humanitarian Assistance
- Protect the rights and support the diverse needs of all people affected by crisis, with a focus on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls (GEEWG), Humanitarian space, and Protection of Civilians (PoC)
- Advocate for a more gender-equitable, locally-led, and accountable humanitarian system; that is agile and better prepared to respond to humanitarian crisis and conflicts
Women’s Economic Justice
- Promote a gender-just economic recovery from COVID-19 through a focus on gender equality throughout, building a strong care economy, and universal social protection
- Deliver a measurable increase in governments that enact labour market policies that support women’s access to dignified work in a changing employment market, with a focus on a green economic transition that women benefit from
- Support the improved economic opportunities for women through entrepreneurship and financial inclusion, as well as expanded social protection schemes

Read more about our ongoing work:
- CARE insights: a collection of our research, advocacy documents, blogs and discussions from CARE offices around the world
- CARE’s Gender, Power and Justice Primer: a report and interactive website documenting the state of gender and rights globally, and programming practices that work toward justice, strong communities, development and peace. This includes our priority areas: gender justice, women’s economic justice, women lead in emergencies and climate justice
- CARE’s Climate Justice Centre: a website that brings together our research, programming expertise and advocacy on climate change and resilience