Become a ‘Her Power’ partner today! Become a ‘Her Power’ partner today!

Be part of a community helping people all around the world.

Be part of a community helping people all around the world.

Your monthly gift will help more women break the cycle of poverty.

Every day of the year, CARE helps women, their families and communities transform their lives through our poverty-fighting and disaster-relief programs.

Our ‘Her Power’ partners give an automatic gift from their bank account or credit card each month – providing the predictable, steady funding we need to commit to longer-term programs and confidently continue investing in women so they can lead their families out of poverty.

Every gift you make will help put tools, education and resources into the hands of some truly remarkable women – and show how much you believe in ‘Her Power’!

6 Reasons to become a ‘Her Power’ partner

1. Your generosity has four times the impact.

You’re helping create a better, safer world for women and supporting gender equality. And when you help one woman out of poverty, she’ll help four others – that’s a powerful multiplier for change.

2. You can help our nearest neighbours.

Your generosity provides support to women, families and communities across the Asia-Pacific and where it is needed most, regardless of religious or political affiliation. 

3. You’ll transform communities with local know-how.

No-one knows a place and its people like a local. Which is why 97% of CARE’s staff are local to the country where they work.

4. You’re there in time of crisis

Gifts from compassionate people like you help provide urgent relief to millions of people facing disasters like earthquakes, floods and famine.

5. You’ll help communities adapt to climate change.

People contributing least to global warming are experiencing the worst impacts – especially women and girls. Your ‘Her Power’ gifts will help support women to be key players in tackling climate change for their communities.

6. You’re showing how much you care

By choosing to donate monthly to charity, you’re making an extraordinary commitment to help some of the world’s poorest people break the cycle of poverty!

Frequently asked questions

Will I receive updates on how my gifts are making a difference?

Yes! You’ll receive regular updates about how your ‘Her Power’ support is helping transform lives. You’ll also be the first to know about our responses to emergencies or natural disasters.

Where does my donation go?

We work hard to be transparent and ensure every gift has the biggest impact possible on women, their families and communities.. For more information, click here.

When will my gifts be deducted?

Your monthly gift will be debited automatically on the 1st or 15th of the month, depending on when you signed up.

What about my tax receipt?

All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. We will send you a consolidated receipt each July for all the monthly ‘Her Power’ donations you made during the previous financial year.

Who can I speak to if I have any questions?

You can call our team on 1800 020 046 — we’d love to hear from you! 

Sign up by phone

  Call 1800 020 046 toll free and sign up by credit card or direct debit.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Your donation will go where it is needed most. You are helping families living in poverty and together, we can transform lives and create a better world for all.